Monday, May 11, 2009


Okay, so I got very motivated, and then I got sick and did not have time to focus on anything about me. So time to officially begin again. This is not a diet, this is not temporary, this is a full over lifestyle change, and I am doing it starting from RIGHT now.

I have started a notebook, just to help with this. I will type out what is written on the inside cover:

The Goal: To become a better person, inside and out.

How?: Diet, exercise, time management, stress management.

Official Start Date: Tuesday May 12, 2009

This notebook will be used for meal plans, lists, and whatever else is deemed necessary.

Also, I really need some motivation at times, so please if you have facebook, myspace, or twitter add me:

Facebook: Under

For twitter, I check my followers once-twice a week, or you can @message me, and I will follow you as soon as I read it :)

1 comment:

  1. I'll cheer you on through your blog! I don't twitter, myspace or facebook...I'm old and set in my ways! lol

    You've got wonderful goals set--you can do this!
