Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Time to Congratulate Myself

So we went to pizza hut, I wasn't going to tell my family they couldn't have it just because I WON'T eat like that. I ordered salad bar for me. I had three plates of salad which I'm not counting at all since it was all vegetables, and one slice of pizza.

That is great for me! I normally down a bunch of cheesesticks and a crapload of pizza. I was craving cheesesticks since everyone else was having them, so I grabbed moms, ate one bite, and told her to put the rest on the other side of her.

The exercise is down, still only got walking around campus, but I woke up with a horrible leg pain and it hasn't gone away, so not going to push myself, at least the walking is burning calories.


  1. Congrats on your Pizza Hut victory!!! That's fantastic!

    Give your body time to get used to walking around the campus--take care of that leg.

    You are doing it! Yay you!
