First off, a horrible confession, I skipped breakfast. I shouldn't have, I was up in plenty of time to eat, i just didn't want to cook. I really need to get on the ball and start doing the things I know I have to do.
Now, onto a "rant" about the past, or not so much rant, well you'll see what it is.
I noticed about 10 minutes ago that I live in the past. I dwell on the past much more than needed, and it has got to stop. A guy from the past, Scott, was sitting in a chair in the hallway. I didn't even know he went here, but he tried to stop me to talk. I just walked past, I had no wants or desires to even acknowledge him. On my way back down the hall after class (Yay for only quizzes), I gave him a "go to hell" look. His friend was like "Ouch does she know you?" and he barely audibly replied yes. Now, Scott didn't hurt me, there were no major fights, he just happened to be in a time of my life I try not to acknowledge anymore. So why the hell did I give him the cold shoulder when it was majorly unneeded, and rude. I have no idea. I have got to move on. So, when I see him again I plan on saying Hi, and walking past as if he was another stranger in the hall. I say hello to strangers all the time, so why not to an old friend?
I guess this was just another revelation of many in my lifestyle change.
The Lake of Lost Girls by Katherine Greene
2 days ago
I think a lot of people live in the past--I do, too. Say hi, be curteous, and just keep on walking. =)